Lexington Catholic High School students will be making a difference for the hungry and the less fortunate in the Lexington community with their Fourth Annual Empty Bowls event, scheduled for 5 − 7 p.m. Nov. 15 in the school's cafeteria.
The LCHS Empty Bowls effort is part of an international grassroots movement to help raise awareness of the extent of hunger across this country.
For a $10 donation, participants will be served one of two tasty soups, along with bread and dessert, and will receive a hand-painted ceramic bowls.
Student members of the Lexington Catholic Service Club, AP Art students, and the freshman girls’ Religion classes have hand painted and fired over 300 decorated bowls in a variety of sizes and shapes. In addition, over 100 uniquely handcrafted bowls have been donated by students from Sayre, Christ the King, St. Leo and St. John. A select group of bowls painted by LCHS faculty and AP Art students will be part of a Silent Auction.
Also, this year, Lexington Christian Academy students partnered with Lexington Catholic students in a canned food drive held to secure ingredients for the Empty Bowls meal.
All proceeds from donations, as well as leftover canned goods, soup, bread and dessert will be donated to The Catholic Action Center and God’s Pantry.