Lexington residents seeking to help improve the city’s environment are invited to apply for a 2013 Sustainability Grant. Lexington’s Department of Environmental Quality and Public Works is providing the grants, used by residents to work collaboratively and creatively to improve the environmental health of Lexington.
Grants are available for a wide range of projects including rain gardens, green roofs, community gardens, streamside restoration, recycling programs, beautification projects (outside only), rain barrel projects, the cleanup and restoration of illegal dumpsites, litter projects, planting street trees and other projects that are determined to improve the environmental health of the community and meet the principles of sustainability.
Public and private schools, all neighborhood and homeowner associations that are incorporated and have a complete slate of elected officers, as well as churches are eligible to apply for a grant.
Eligible applicants may apply for a maximum amount of $2,500. These are 100 percent matching grants. A match can be materials or in-kind services or a combination of both. Documentation must be provided on the value of all in-kind supplies, materials and services. In-kind matches may also include items such as documented use of vehicles or machinery or meals served to volunteers.
More information and application materials about this grant opportunity are available at the Department of Environmental Quality and Public Works Web site at www.lexingtonky.gov/greengrants.
Applications must be postmarked or submitted to the department’s office by 4:30 p.m. March 22, 2013. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.