Zinnia &butterfly
Spring has officially sprung, and several area garden clubs, plant societies and other community groups have organized garden-related events to celebrate. Below is a listing of some of our favorite upcoming plant swaps, garden tours, plant sales and more.
Peony Sale and Garden Tour. May 4. This annual sale features 10 varieties of peonies from Distillery District nursery Kelly Nursery, potted and ready to plant; the event, a benefit to Ashland: The Henry Clay Estate, also provides a great opportunity to learn about Ashland’s formal garden and peony garden. 2-4 p.m., Ashland: The Henry Clay Estate, 120 Sycamore Rd. www.henryclay.org.
“The House That Cleans Itself.” May 8. Professional organizer Kathleen Crosmer will present efficient principles for home organizing based on the book “THe House That Cleans Itself” by Mindy Starns Clark. 12:30 p.m., Lexington Public Library, Tates Creek Branch, 3628 Walden Dr.
Spring Plant Exchange. May 10. Plants are to be delivered beginning at 9 a.m. for this community plant exchange, which begins promptly at 10 a.m. University of Kentucky Arboretum, 500 Alumni Dr. (859) 257-6955. www.ca.uky.edu/Arboretum.
Fly Fishing 101. May 10, 31, June 14. In partnership with The Orvis Company and The Bluegrass Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Chevy Chaser area store The Lexington Angler will host free fly fishing lessons, covering the basics of fly casting and outfit rigging. 11 a.m., The Lexington Angler, 119 Clay Ave.
Down to Earth Garden Club Plant Sale. May 10. Every May, the Down to Earth Garden Club, a non-profit group, holds its annual plant sale fundraiser. The sale features plants from the members’ own gardens, and a base of volunteers knowledgeable about the characteristics and landscape potential of the plants is on hand at the rain or shine event. Plants for shade or sun, natives, herbs, vegetables, perennials, wildflowers, grasses, hostas, and irises are all represented. Money raised will be donated to local projects that promote gardening, education, preservation, conservation and environmental stewardship. 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Woodland Christian Church, 530 E. High St. www.downtoearthky.com/ PlantSale.html.
***We regret that we posted the incorrect date and time for the Down to Earth Garden Club Plant Sale in the May print issue of Southsider Magazine. Please note the corrected information above!
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Bluegrass Iris Show. May 17. The Bluegrass Iris Society presents its 47th Annual Iris Show at Lexington Green, behind Joseph-Beth Bookstore. The show features lots of species of iris, as well as artistic flower designs with a “Downton Abbey” theme. 1 p.m. Joseph Beth Booksellers, 161 Lexington Green. www.bluegrassiris.org.
Monarch Butterfly Gardens Workshop. May 17. The Lexington Council Garden Clubs presents a program geared to educate gardeners about how how to install and maintain a Monarch Waystation, a beautiful garden that will also help preserve the endangered Monarch Butterfly. The program will be presented by Linda Porter, a member of the Lexington Chapter of Wild Ones and the Garden Club of Kentucky. A 17-year butterfly enthusiast, Porter serves as the state Special Project Butterfly Chairperson for the Garden Club of Kentucky and also chairs the Monarch Waystation Joint Committee. 10 a.m. Morning Pointe East Senior Center, 150 Shoreside Dr. www.lexgardenclubs.com.
Spring Herb Gardening. May 22. Participants in this workshop will learn about seeding, planting, early use and care of herbs; tour the University of Kentucky Arboretum’s demonstration herb garden; and learn about perennial, annual, and biennial herbs, which herbs to seed and when to sow them. Part of the Master Gardener’s Toolbox series. Pre-registration is required at Fayette Co. Cooperative Extension, (859) 257-5582. 6:30 p.m. University of Kentucky Arboretum, 500 Alumni Dr. (859) 257-6955. www.ca.uky.edu/Arboretum.
Community Plant Swap. May 31. Gardeners, and those that would like to be, are invited to come out and trade plants with others in the community who have too many. Participants are encouraged to bring some plants and take home some that they have always wanted. 10 a.m. Old Fort Harrod State Park, 100 S. College St., Harrodsburg, Ky.
Totally Containers. May 15. Led by Arboretum Horticulturist Jesse Dahl, this workshop will teach participants how to grow and maintain a healthy, robust container planting at home. Participants will help plant containers in the Arboretum’s “Home Demonstration Garden” to make up this year’s display. Participants will also take home plants with instructions on how to make a pizza garden container. 3 p.m., University of Kentucky Arboretum, 500 Alumni Dr. (859) 257-6955. www.ca.uky.edu/Arboretum.
Shaker Village Antiques Show and Sale. Jun 21-22. More than 50 of the nation’s top dealers will travel from across the United States to exhibit a diverse range of antiques surrounded by the pristine Shaker Village restoration. Among items available are period Shaker artifacts, museum quality American furniture, vintage decorative arts and furniture, silver, jewelry, quilts and much more. Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Shaker Village 3501 Lexington Rd., Harrodburg, Ky. (800) 734-5611. www.shakervillageky.org.
Blue Grass Daylily Society Summer Meeting. July 3-5.The Blue Grass Daylily Society will host a three-day meeting titled “Daylilies and Fillies.” The meeting includes tours of seven beautiful gardens, two lectures, a garden lover’s boutique, workshops, and more. Campbell House, 1375 S. Broadway. www.daylilyfans/bghs.
Bluegrass Flower & Vegetable Show. July 12-13. Each year, the Lexington Council Garden Clubs and Fayette County Master Gardeners Association co-sponsor the Bluegrass Flower and Vegetable Contest at the Lexington Lion’s Club Bluegrass Fair. Incorporating elements of an old-fashioned county fair contest and a garden club-standard flower show, the contest is open to all. Ribbons and cash prizes are offered for fruits and vegetables; flowers and plants; container-grown plants; floral designs, and anything your kids can grow, too. Masterson Station Park. www.lexgardenclubs.org/
Fayette County Extension Classes. Dates vary. The Fayette County Extension Office hosts a handful of resourceful classes. This summer’s line-up includes “Succulent Gardens” (June 5); Exotic Ferns (June 12); Ornamental Grasses (July 10); and Small Scale Water Gardens (Aug. 26). Pre-registration is required, as many classes fill to capacity. Full schedule and more information available at http://fayette.ca.uky.edu. Most classes held at the Fayette County Extension Office, 1140 Red Mile Pl. cc