According to an attorney general's opinion, the state's two largest public universities have domestic partner benefits that fly in the face of a 2004 amendment to the state constitution. The same opinion, however, also maps out a way for the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville to circumvent the referendum against same sex marriage that won statewide approval with 75 percent of the vote.
The remedy, as described in the opinion by Attorney General Greg Stumbo's office, asserts: "Kentucky's public universities are free to make contracts extending health insurance benefits to as broad or as narrow a group of persons as they desire, so long as the classifications made (and other aspects of the contract) do not contravene any statute, regulation or constitutional provision. The statement worries critics of the plan who see UK opening the flood gates and extending benefits to people who simply co-habitate with employees.
"I don't think it would be fiscally responsible for universities to do that