Frankfort, KY - In renewing a conservation program for Kentucky Power, the Public Service Commission is pushing the company that serves 173,411 customers in 20 eastern Kentucky Counties to do more to encourage participation.
Participation in the programs is "one way in which customers can impact the extent to which ever-increasing energy costs increase their electric bills," the PSC said in its order. Kentucky Power should "educate its customers about the need for greater energy efficiency due to the rising cost of electric energy and the strain that the demand of electric usage at peak times" places on the company's system, the PSC said.
Kentucky Power's program includes
∑ Promotion of the use of energy-efficient light bulbs
∑ Energy education
∑ Financial incentives for commercial customers to reduce energy usage
∑ Energy audit, energy efficiency and weatherization programs targeted to low-income customers
∑ Incentives to improve energy efficiency of mobile homes
∑ An energy audit and energy efficiency program targeted at homes with high electric consumption.
That last component was being put to use too much for the owners of newer homes that weren't losing as much energy as customers with older homes according to the PSC. As a result, the PSC has required an accelerated schedule for that program's review.
According to a release from the PSC, Kentucky Power said participation was lagging in two other programs. One gives bill credits to residential and commercial customers who allow the utilities to remotely turn off air conditioners or water heaters for brief periods during times of peak demand. The other offers financial incentives to commercial customers who install high-efficiency heat pumps or air conditioners.
Although customer participation in these programs is voluntary, the low utilization of some of Kentucky Power's programs is a cause for concern, the PSC said.
"Most well-informed customers would choose to participate in (conservation) programs to avoid higher energy bills," the PSC said. Therefore, Kentucky Power should work to increase participation in those programs, the PSC said, adding that it intends to "closely monitor Kentucky Power's efforts" in that regard.
Kentucky Power is a subsidiary of American Electric Power Co.