Mary Quinn Ramer
Mary Quinn Ramer
Mary Quinn Ramer - Marketing Director, Lexington Convention and Visitors Bureau
Do you Tweet, Text, or Facebook the most?
Text. Without question.
What is a perfect summer evening for you?
A farm fresh dinner, a nice glass of wine and a lovely Bluegrass sunset with friends.
What is something about you that would surprise your friends?
I like to paint. I wish I were much more artistic than I actually am, but I really enjoy playing around with paint on a canvas every now and then.
What is your favorite iconic building in Lexington?
The Old Courthouse. Hard to beat.
Who inspires you?
How much space do I have? I’ve been richly blessed with an amazing circle of inspiring family and friends. I am named after both of my grandmothers, and those two women have been—and continue to be--remarkable influences in my life. They are such strong, compassionate, selfless women with a deep commitment to family and to humankind.
If you were set to depart on a dream vacation, where would you be headed?
Argentina or Morocco.
Pleased to Meet You writer Celeste Lewis is out there getting Lexingtonians, from long-timers to new arrivals, to know one another a little better by gently probing their personal interests, recollections, tastes and aspirations.
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