Lexington, Ky − Lexington's economy is experiencing a slow crawl out of the recent Great Recession, according to University of Kentucky economists.
Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER)
Gatton College of Business and Economics
University of Kentucky
The , which is located in the at the , released its 41 Annual Economic Report today. At a presentation to some 300 business leaders on Tuesday. Economist Kenneth Troske and CBER colleague Chris Bollinger forecast that the Kentucky economy will outpace the U.S. economy—with Central Kentucky experiencing faster growth and lower unemployment than the rest of the state.
Bollinger, Ph.D., Gatton Endowed Professor of Economics and director of CBER and Ken Troske, Ph.D., are co-authors of the report’s 2013 economic forecast for Kentucky. Troske is the Sturgill Endowed Professor of Economics as well as the senior associate dean for administration, faculty and research for the Gatton College.
In addition to the economic forecast, there are 83 trends, forces and factors affecting Kentucky’s economy presented in the report. This includes, but is not limited to, data and information about how Kentucky high school students perform on advanced placement exams compared to students in other states, whether there are more people at risk for chronic disease in Kentucky compared to the U.S. and neighboring states, how the income distribution has changed over the last three decades in Kentucky compared to the U.S., the level of entrepreneurial activity in Kentucky compared to other states, and detailed information about factors affecting state taxes and revenue—which affects, of course, the provision of public services from health care to public safety to education.
Digital copies of the CBER
2013 Annual Economic Report
can be downloaded at