Lexington, KY – Starting at noon Thursday $30,000 will be up for grabs for the 108 non-profits participating in this year’s GoodGiving Guide Challenge.
Business Lexington
Local banks will be matching 50 cents on the dollar up to $30,000 for every donation of $10 to $1,000 given through goodgivingguide.net as a part of the third annual challenge organized by the Blue Grass Community Foundation and ’s parent company Smiley Pete Publishing.
Area banks American Founders Bank, Bank of the Bluegrass, BB&T, Central Bank, Citizens Commerce National Bank, Community Trust Bank, Kentucky Bank, Ohio Valley Financial Group, South Central Bank, Traditional Bank and USBank all contributed to the $30,000 matching challenge.
As of Tuesday at noon, the GoodGiving Guide has raised $351,048 from individual gifts since launching on November 1. In addition to what has been raised from individual givers, $80,000 has been added from matching grants as the challenge looks to raise $1 million through the end of the year.
The leader so far in the money is the Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence, which as raised $19,771. Mission Lexington is in second place with $18,010.
The Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center has the largest number of donors with 151 as God’s Pantry and Hospice of the Bluegrass are tied for second with 126 donors each.