Project SEE Theatre
This is the first full season of plays for the Project SEE Theatre. Shows are held at the Downtown Arts Center (141 E. Main St.), unless otherwise indicated. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. Thurs. -
Sat. and 2 p.m. Sun.
(859) 225-0370
Sept. 1 - 4, 8 - 11
"boom" is a three-person comedy exploring the influences of fate versus randomness in the course of one's life, and life as we know it on the planet. It was the most produced show in regional theatre last year.
Almost, Maine
Oct. 27 - 30, Nov. 3 - 5, The Little Theater at Transylvania University
Project SEE
will join the team at Transylvania University for this production through actor training for the student cast as well as performing in the show.
12 Dates of Christmas
Dec. 8 - 11, 15 - 18
"12 Dates of Christmas" is a one-woman show in which a lone actress portrays the many characters that make up Mary's yearlong holiday dating journey.
The Hot l Baltimore
March 1, 2012 - March 4, 8 - 11
This production is set in the lobby of the Hotel Baltimore. It focuses on the residents of the decaying property who are faced with eviction when the structure is condemned. The play draws its title from the hotel's neon marquee with a burned-out letter "e" which was never replaced.
Burn This
May 31 - June 3, June 7 - 10
This production begins shortly after the funeral of Robbie, a young dancer. In light of the tragedy, a group of friends attempts to make sense of their lives and reconsider their own identities and relationships.