Outlaws by all accounts are people who live outside of the law. The duality of the word works on many levels, wavering between good and evil and finding a balance between the two. Outlaws may be working for what is right while it may be considered against the law or outside social norms. About Po' Boy Art Collective:Po’ Boy Art Collective is a newly founded group based in Lexington, Kentucky consisting of Todd Herzberg, Colleen Newcomb, and The Art of David Kenton Kring. The group began in August of 2015 by curating the exhibition One Up at the Bread Box Studio Artists. The next fall, they curated the exhibition CULT at the The Parachute Factory. Their shows have allowed artists to break away from their everyday routine and create something that may not normally fit in their portfolio of work.
Outlaws Art Exhibit: Fourth Friday Closing Reception
Loudoun House 209 Castlewood Drive, Lexington, Kentucky 40505