Michael Morse and Sarah Rose Nordgren book signing
About Michael Morse: “In this debut from a grownup poet, heartfelt scenes are filmed by a jittery cameraman, making for a moving read that will appeal to those who don’t take their poetry quite straight, who want to be led, like ‘wayward bees to open windows.'” — Craig Morgan Teicher for NPR.org
Sarah Rose Nordgren is the author of the poetry collection Best Bones (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2014), which was selected by Ed Ochester for the Agnes Lynch Starrett Prize. Her poems appear widely in journals such as Ploughshares, American Poetry Review, Agni, and Copper Nickel. Among her awards are two fellowships from the Fine Arts Work Center, an Individual Excellence Award from the Ohio Arts Council, and a Walter E. Dakin Fellowship from the Sewanee Writers Conference.
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