Labeling themselves as "The Disconnectors," opponents to the proposed connector road between I-75 and Nicholasville Road have organized a music festival, creek walk and neighborhood picnic to take place this Saturday. The event intends to draw attention to the possible construction project and allow the public to enjoy some of the land and a portion of Marble Creek that organizers say could potentially be devastated if the road is built.
Southsider Magazine featured an article on neighborhood reaction to the proposed project in February.
The event will start at 3:30 p.m. with a "creek walk" along Marble Creek, followed by a neighborhood potluck at 5 p.m. and live music starting at 6 p.m.
At the heart of the event is the world premiere of the song "Vampire Road," to be performed by local musician Steve Broderson, who wrote the song about the connector road after the group approached him. The event will also feature additional performances by local bands Twist of Fate, The Rounders, Matt Duncan and Hunter Warner.
The group has also organized a rally this fall to take place at the Lyric Theatre, featuring writers Wendell Berry, Barbara Kingsolver, Erik Reece and more, to take place September 19.
For more information on the event, visit For more information on the proposed connector road and neighborhood opposition, visit the I-75 connector homepage and the Disconnectors' homepage and Facebook page.