
Editorial Policies

Chevy Chaser and Southsider Magazine Editorial Policies
1. Southsider Magazine/Chevy Chaser are Smiley Pete Publishing’s neighborhood magazines for residents of the Southside/Chevy Chase neighborhoods of Lexington and the greater Lexington/Fayette county region. Each magazine is published twelve times per year on a monthly basis.

2. The role of Southsider Magazine/Chevy Chaser is to explore the landscapes, lifestyles and events in and around the southern/Chevy Chase region of urban Lexington. Southsider Magazine/Chevy Chaser carry information of potential interest to residents, such as:
• Interviews with local newsmakers
• What’s on
• Events and initiatives from local and outside organizations, such as health and social agencies or voluntary and community groups.

3. Southsider Magazine/Chevy Chaser aim to complement Smiley Pete Publishing’s vision for the community by showing how it is an engaged partner in community events and community forums, and a convener for community forums and discussions.

4. The editor reserves the right to determine whether material submitted to publication (online or in print) shall be printed and reserves the right to edit as needed, for space, grammar, writing style, libelous statements, or personal unwarranted attacks. All material submitted must be signed (name withheld upon request). Opinions are those of the individual writer and not necessarily those of the editor or the publishers.

Business Lexington Editorial Policy

1. Business Lexington is Smiley Pete Publishing’s business journal, covering central Kentucky’s business and economic news. It is published 26 times per year on a bi-weekly basis.

2. The role of Business Lexington is to provide news and analysis of issues and events relevant to the business community of central Kentucky. Business Lexington carries information of potential interest to readers, such as:
• Interviews with local business newsmakers;
• Discussions on pressing issues affecting key industries and companies in the Bluegrass region;
• Events and announcements, including personnel changes at key organizations in the readership zone;
• In-depth reporting and analysis of developments that affect the businesses and economy of central Kentucky;
• Perspectives from local professionals.

3. Business Lexington aims to complement Smiley Pete Publishing’s vision for the community by showing how it is an engaged partner in community events and community forums, and a convener for community forums and discussions. Business Lexington’s motto, “A Partner in Progress,” clearly shows Business Lexington’s commitment to growing and improving central Kentucky’s business and economic environment.

4. Business Lexington’s first obligation is to our credibility, to the public at large and not to any person, business or special interest. Employees will avoid any activity that may impair their integrity or jeopardize readers’ trust in us. In this vein, Business Lexington is built on the foundation of the four tenets of journalism, according to the Society of Professional Journalists. Those tenets are: truth-telling, minimizing harm, independence, and accountability. The staff, columnists and contributing writers of Business Lexington will not: make up sources or quotes; deliberately distort the truth; take bribes; plagiarize; alter the contents of news photos through photo editing software or other means; use our standing with the newspaper for personal financial gain or special treatment; stage or recreate news events for photographs or recordings; physically or verbally abuse a source, reader, or colleague.

4. The editor reserves the right to determine whether material submitted to publication (online or in print) shall be printed and reserves the right to edit as needed, for accuracy, space, grammar, writing style, libelous statements or personal unwarranted attacks. All material submitted must be signed (name withheld upon request). Opinions are those of the individual writer and not necessarily those of the editor or the publishers.