The Spizzwinks have been sharing their unique blend of music and humor since 1914. Over the years, their repertoire has grown to include a wide range of songs—everything from Sinatra to Marvin Gaye to ABBA to Norah Jones. Concerts also include Yale classics and a touch of tongue-in-cheek humor. This winning brand of collegiate a cappella has moved audiences around the world to tears and laughter, with a fan club including Lady Gaga, Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar, and Magic Johnson. The 'Winks promise each member that during their three years in the group, they will visit all six inhabited continents and their hometown. The Lexington concert will feature Lexington native and SCAPA Lafayette graduate Charlie Stephenson.
An Evening with the Spizzwinks
Temple Adath Israel N Ashland Ave, Lexington, Kentucky 40502