"I love what I do for a living. It's just that simple. I've been a certified public accountant since 1979, and I have never doubted that I made the right decision in joining this profession. My work is meaningful and my career is rewarding.
Like many of my generation, I can see retirement on the horizon. I realize, however, that to someone just entering their field, retirement can seem like it's a million years away. To someone even younger than that, a career - getting an education, landing a job, supporting yourself and others - can seem like a distant, almost surreal dream.
A career doesn't come with a crystal ball, and to many young people, that can be daunting. They know what they are good at and may have an inkling of what they want to do and who they want to be when they grow up, but still may wonder what their options truly are.
One option available to Kentucky high school juniors and seniors is BASE Camp, taking place June 3-8. First of all, I have to say that this is not the kind of camp where teens spend a week away from home hiking, roasting marshmallows or avoiding mosquitoes. BASE - Business and Accounting Summer Education - Camp is a fantastic opportunity for students to see what one area of the grown-up, real world is all about. Students stay a week on Bellarmine University's campus in Louisville learning about the basics of business and accounting in a hands-on, interactive format. The program is fully supervised, and best of all for the participants, it's free of charge.
What it's all about
BASE Camp is produced and sponsored by the Kentucky Society of CPAs (KyCPA) to offer those students on the cusp of a college career the chance to learn more about what we CPAs do every day. Students can learn to use their gifts and talents in ways they may never have thought applicable to this field.
Typical activities include a college fair to explore their educational options; team-building exercises; firm and company tours where students can talk to professionals in action; roundtable discussions; an etiquette luncheon; resume and interview-skill building class to provide professional polish; accounting and business case presentations; and a business ethics class to help foster responsibility.
BASE Camp also spends a day at the Junior Achievement Sam Swope Exchange City.
Did I mention it's free?
KyCPA works in collaboration with the University of Louisville's College of Business, Junior Achievement, and a host of other sponsors and CPA firms who donate resources so the camp can be offered to participants of any financial means. KyCPA members serve on planning committees to offer their expertise to the program, and CPAs step up to volunteer their time during the camp in order to share their perspectives and their passion for their profession.
Future business leaders
KyCPA does hope the camp will pique students' interest in accounting so that some of the participants will go on to become the CPAs of tomorrow. Baby boomers will be retiring in waves over the next few years, leaving a void of qualified, educated professionals to serve business at its highest levels. New CPAs will have their pick of challenging, rewarding jobs.
Take advantage of the chance
KyCPA is taking BASE Camp applications through March 16. It's open to any high school junior or senior in the state - last year's students came from 22 counties - and limited to 40 participants. Students are selected based on academic requirements of at least 2.5 on a four-point scale, a letter of recommendation and participant essay. More information and an application are available on KyCPA's student Web site, www.cpa2be.org.
Jerry W. Hensley, CPA, is a partner at the Lexington firm Ray, Foley, Hensley and Co. and is the current president of the Kentucky Society of CPAs.
The Kentucky Society of Certified Public Accountants (KyCPA) is a statewide, non-profit professional organization serving CPAs in public accounting firms, business, industry, government and education. kycpa.org.