The Other Brother's Rock and Talk Radio Show
Variety is arguably the spice of life, even regarding music radio shows on our local airwaves. Soon to join two established programs originating from Lexington: , its producers and hosts hoping to add another entry of homegrown music-based radio programming to the national and international pipeline.
The idea is to produce a two-hour, live show featuring original talent including one local act and one national act per show.
The Other Brothers, a local staple of the city's music scene themselves, know firsthand the necessity and need of promoting one's sonic craft and enlisting new fans. Performing for a shade over five years now as a regular in the local music scene, they have diligently spread their rocking Gospel of roots, blues and Americana laced rock to the public.
Heart Handcuffs
Founded by brothers Gabe and Nate Grossman and friend Kyle Keith, they deliver their barroom southern style in the tradition of influences such as The Black Crowes, Tom Petty, The Flying Burrito Brothers and a splash of Rolling Stones' edged twang. The Brothers released their first full length LP back in 2009 and are currently logging time in the studio crafting their second album with high hopes for a 2010 release.
In true karmic fashion they are gearing up to lend a hand to their brothers in arms, namely other musicians, both homegrown and national, by providing an audio/visual platform to spread the word about their works.
Targeting a demographic age range of 20-to-50, The Other Brothers themselves will serve as hosts of the festivities that will include some brief, informative interviews with the local and national performers followed by 30 to 50 minute sets of the respective band's music.
The pilot show, scheduled for recording on April 29th, represents plans to kick off a recurring series.
Other Brother's Rock and Talk Show
Much like the perennially popular radio program , the will take place at the historic Kentucky Theatre, which serves as a tailor-made backdrop for concert series/radio shows such as these. The show also aims to connect music hungry Lexingtonians with featured artists by way of probing and candid interviews prior to the musical performances.
The Other Brothers insist that their new show will be a "progressive, hip, and engaging new type of show, which promises to entertain from start to finish" where "art, music, and culture are meant to be intertwined to create an ambiance of professional entertainment and community involvement at each event." The Other Brother's purpose is to provide a viable sounding board for local talent that allows them exposure somewhere "other than a bar."
The aforementioned has taken its place as the premier musical radio program of the Bluegrass with it's hearty "genre-free" mix of folk and roots music from bluegrass and blues to jazz, tin-pan alley and every other rustic style of music in between. The show is quickly approaching its 600th edition and boasts an international radio affiliate list numbering close to 500 stations, plus XM-Sirius Satellite radio, American Forces Radio, PBS television and live-streaming on the web.
Red Barn Radio
represents yet another local option. This show's modus operandi is delivering true-blue Mountain Music that generally has Kentucky roots but that often rears its head and manifests itself in neighboring states as well.
Red Barn Radio
The Other Brother's Rock and Talk Show
and are also featured on local NPR radio affiliate WUKY. An eventual move to NPR and/or PBS is also an aspiration of , as well as its goals of longevity.
For Lexington the arrival of the new show allows the city to boast not one, or even two, but three totally independent music-based radio programs - a claim that few, if any, other cities can make.
The Other Brother's
Options are everything and having three separate shows broadcasting from local ground zero is a promising sign. If show makes its way into regular rotation it will indeed provide an outlet for music lovers that tend to form a younger contingent and also further color our local music/entertainment landscape with its proposed progressive edge.
With the debut April 29th pilot episode set to feature local bluegrass and roll sensations Sunday Valley and national artist Ravenna Colt featuring Johnny Quaid, formerly of My Morning Jacket, the preeminent goal is to document the show in high-fidelity fashion to provide a pitch point to snag future sponsors and participants.
Other Brother's Rock and Talk Show
If the gets its eventual legs it will be a welcome addition to our city's entertainment culture and, as the old saying goes, the more the merrier.
So, Other Brother's and friends, welcome to the fold.