<p>Kentucky Employers Mutual Insurance (KEMI) is proud to announce the winners of the 2012 KEMI Mine Safety & Training Competition. Mine Rescue Grand Champion: TECO Coal Corporation Blue Team Bench (BG4): Tony Lloyd, Alpha Natural Resources Bench (Biopak 240R): Patrick Gomez, Kentucky Coal Academy Bench (Biopack 240S): Mark Lloyd, Patriot Coal MET (First Aid): Shawn Rigney and TJ Hensley, Fox Knob Coal Pre-Shift (Gold Division): Jeff Clark, Warrior Coal In its fifth year, the KEMI Mine Safety & Training Competition featured two days of Mine Rescue competition as well as Pre-Shift, Bench and MET contests and was completely FREE for all coal companies to register and participate in. The event was held at Bob Amos Park in Pikeville, Kentucky and is widely considered one of the largest events to take place in eastern Kentucky each year.</p>