Lexington, KY - Sav's Grill & West African Cuisine will open a second business, Sav's Chill on the corner of S. Limestone and Maxwell, on Saturday.
The family business, diagonally across Limestone from the restauant, will serve 24 flavors of ice cream, gelatto, sorbet and sherbet made by Valentine's Ice Cream of Winchester, KY. by the scoop, in a cone or as a milkshake.
The business will also serve KIZITO cookies and brownies made in Louisville.
Manager Bangaly Savané is the son of Sav and Rachel Savané of Savané Silver downtown at Broadway & Short. Bangaly is a recent graduate of Henry Clay High School and is working on his pilot certification. "I just saw this cute little space and I said, 'ice cream!'" Sav said of his inspiration, which came shortly after his son's high school graduation and the contemplation of alternative higher education expenses.
As good a reason as any to go into the ice cream business.