Lexington, KY - A downtown stalwart is pulling up stakes and relocating, citing plans for redevelopment of the Main Street property next door.
“CoachCraft is moving out of downtown, after 58 years. We are saddened by the move, but truly have no choice,” said Dianne Bennett, who has owned CoachCraft with her husband, Pete Bennett, since May 1991. “Once the construction starts on the proposed condos next door to us, we will loose our exit door on the side, which makes doing business on Main St. impossible.
Attempts to contact Phil Holoubek, developer of the adjacent property, the triangle-shaped parcel between East Vine and Main Streets across from Thoroughbred Park, have been unsuccessful.
In an email, Bennett said she had been informed that construction will commence within a year. “ Our lease is a 5 year lease so we couldn't afford to stay and take that chance,” she explained.
Bennett said Coach Craft will relocate operations to 805 Floyd Drive off East Loudon Avenue effective September 17, 2012. They note that the new location affords more space and additional parking.
In business since 1953, the company has repaired car, boat, truck and motorcycle seats, installed carpeting, repaired headliners, replaced convertible tops, installed and repaired sunroofs, installed leather interior seating kits, seat heaters and lumbar supports, and fabricated custom boat covers. The business also reupholsters workout equipment and medical and dental chairs and tables.
Coach Craft was the subject of a Business Lexington profile in April. Click here to read. http://bizlex.com/2012/04/coachcraft-has-reupholstery-covered-and-more/