Lexington, KY - The Mayor’s Commission on Homelessness is inviting citizens to open up about homelessness in Lexington through “Open Space,” a new way to join in a constructive group discussion on a public issue, according to a press release.
Mayor Jim Gray has asked the commission to identify needed changes or improvements in Lexington’s efforts to address homelessness, and as many people as possible are needed to contribute their thoughts during “Open Space,” which will be held 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Aug. 25 at Calvary Baptist Church (150 E. High St.).
“Open Space” is similar to a public forum or conference, but the agenda is not set in advance. Instead, participants set the agenda based on their specific interests. The commission’s project will be centered on the following question: “What should our community think about, know about, and do in order to best address the opportunities and challenges presented by homelessness?”
The event will start with a general conversation and then break into small groups to discuss issues of interest to the participants, who will direct the small group sessions. At the end of the day, the small groups will share their results with the entire group, and notes from each group will be shared publicly.
Lunch and snacks will be provided. No fee is required to participate. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. To pre-register, send your name and contact information to Shaye Rabold at srabold@lexingtonky.gov or click here to visit the Facebook event page.