Steve Broderson
What figures from history would you invite to dinner if you could?
With all the faith-based turmoil in the world now, I'd have to go with Jesus, Mohammed and Abraham. There's a lot of issues that could be settled, or at least clarified over dinner. I'd record the conversation too, because I think we'd all want answers that aren't interpreted by others, but straight from the source.
What is your favorite high school memory?
We were warned that no guy would walk in the diploma/graduation line if they weren't wearing a tie. Sure enough, one of my classmates forgot his. So, just before we processed into Rupp Arena, I made a tie for him out of duct tape I found backstage. It was the '80s, so a skinny, shiny tie fit right in.
What is a perfect day off for you?
Well first, the cat forgets to wake me up at 6:30, so I sleep until 9. I enjoy a leisurely breakfast (an omelette and Brazilian coffee). Then, it's scuba diving on a coral reef in crystal clear caribbean water 'til about 5. Then I dry off, eat an enormous cheeseburger and then play a concert in front of 10,000 people. Wait, is my wife going to read this? I meant to say, "Helping around the house all day."
What would you grab out of your house if you had minutes to evacuate?
If all my family members and pets were already out safe? Probably the archives of all the advertising and music work I've done over the years, my Gretsch guitar, and if there was still time, some of my grandfather's photography.
What’s on your iPod?
Over 2,500 songs from my CD collection. Everything from Louis Prima to Fleet Foxes... and tons of guilty pleasures in between.
What do you consider words to live by?
As much as it's been said, "Treat others the way you want to be treated" pretty much sums it up.
Pleased to Meet You writer Celeste Lewis is out there getting Lexingtonians, from long-timers to new arrivals, to know one another a little better by gently probing their personal interests, recollections, tastes and aspirations.
Have a good prospect for this feature? Your suggestion is welcome. Just dash off a note with “PTMY” in the subject line to tom@bizlex.com.