Lexington, KY - At a time when many cities its size are struggling, Lexington, Kentucky is enjoying relatively steady, moderate growth. Employers are locating here, or are in the process of sizing up the community’s assets with relocation in mind. Among the most attractive is Lexington’s relationship with its verdant surroundings. And therein lies the irony: the same thing that makes Lexington so alluring is also threatened by the very growth it attracts.
In March, the Fayette Alliance, a coalition of citizens focused on sustainable growth and thoughtful land use, commissioned The Matrix Group to conduct an independent, objective survey to gauge the views of Lexington residents on the growth issues and challenges confronting their city.
According to the Matrix study, the community’s top three most compelling issues are, in order: Land-Use and Growth; Economic Issues; and Government Spending. 76 percent of those polled agreed with the statement: “Lexington can become the model for sustainable growth by creating a dynamic city that is balanced with and connected to our unique, productive Bluegrass farmland.” And 81 percent said they would not vote for a political candidate who supports the expansion of the city’s Urban Services Area to accommodate development of surrounding farmland.
The full study is available on the Alliance website. Click here for the full pdf file.