Louisville, KY - New data about the health behaviors and views of Kentucky parents finds a broad disconnect between national and statewide attitudes concerning childhood obesity.
Citing results of its Kentucky Parent Survey, the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky (FHK) finds most Kentucky parents (76 percent) think their child weighs about the right amount and few (14 percent) think their child weighs too much. Yet. according to the National Survey of Children’s Health, 37 percent of school age children in Kentucky are overweight or obese.
The parental perceptions measured by the poll provide valuable insight into the health habits and behaviors of Kentucky’s children, which often fell short of recommended benchmarks.
“Our children’s habits and behaviors impact their health today and shape their quality of life as they grow,” said Dr. Susan Zepeda, President/CEO of the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky. “When kids eat poorly and don’t get enough physical activity, it increases their risk for obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases. This poll data helps us understand what parents think about the behaviors that are so critical to health.”
One strategy being used to reduce childhood obesity in Kentucky is called 5-2-1-0, according to an FHK release. The numbers correspond to behavior recommendations: each day, children should eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables, limit screen time to no more than two hours, have one hour of physical activity and zero sugar-sweetened beverages.
According to their parents, more than half of Kentucky’s children (56 percent) are watching more than the maximum recommended amount of “screen time” per day. Screen time refers to time spent watching television, playing video games, surfing the internet.
Similarly, most children (59 percent) drink soda or other sugar sweetened beverages each day.
Other Kentucky Parent Survey highlights reveal:
More than half (56 percent) of Kentucky parents said their child got enough fruits and vegetables every day during the preceding week.
Two-thirds (66 percent) of Kentucky parents reported their child got enough physical activity every day during the preceding week.
Elementary and high school students often get less than the recommended amount of sleep per day.