Lexington, KY - Farm to table. Sustainable farming. Fast food versus slow food.
If the terminology of the local food production movement is confusing you, or you just want to know more, the Lexington chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) has a learning opportunity scheduled over lunch on Jan. 15.
The focus of this latest NAWBO luncheon is to learn about these trends and why they matter. Leading local chef Ouita Michel (Holly Hill Inn, Wallace Station, Windy Corners) and her partner in the urban agriculture non-profit Food Chain, Becca Self will discuss these issues, the business side of launching their nonprofit and why they are excited about teaching the community healthier lifestyles through fresh, local food. NAWBO’s Holly Wiedemann will moderate the discussion.
The meeting begins at 11:30am at Sal’s in the Landsdowne Shoppes on Tate’s Creek Rd.
The cost is $20 for members and $24 for guests. To register log onto www.lexnawbo.org.