Lexington, KY - After months of renovations and shoring-up the structure, the city’s downtown parking garage adjacent to the County Clerk and Police Department is set to reopen as “the Helix Garage” to pay homage to its signature spiral exit ramp.
Originally slated to cost the Lexington Parking Authority nearly $3.2 million, a release from the Parking Authority’s executive director state the project is coming in $100,000 under budget.
When opened next week, it will shift to a token-based machine operation for entering, exiting and cost. For years the garage’s gate monitor would depart at 5 p.m., pushed to 6 in 2012, leaving the gate open on nights and weekends for free parking. The renovated garage will charge at all times, though prices will not change on weekdays.
Daily rates on Monday through Friday will be $1 for every 30 minutes, up to an $8 total, according to Parking Authority executive director Gary Means. Nights, after 5 and weekends will be a flat $3 rate with no time restrictions.
One notable aspect of the garage, if not an infamous one, the support jacks on the helix ramp will be gone after being installed in the latter part of the previous decade.
“The temporary shoring posts and beams have all been removed and the helix exit ramp has been completely restored,” Means stated in the release.
The Lexington Division of Police and the Fayette County Clerk’s office will no longer validate parking tickets for the garage. Visitors to the Government Center at 200 E. Main St. or the Phoenix Building at 101 E. Vine St. can receive a validation for half-off.
While the interior of the garage has been revamped, there are also plans in the works for some changes to the exterior of the garage, but Means said he does not have details on those yet.