Watching TV or reading the newspapers has not given many people a good experience for the past three weeks. Bombast, bragging, threats, continuation of campaign rhetoric have served to keep uneasy feelings alive at a time when the country would be better served by efforts to reconcile than by rubbing salt in the political wounds.
Depression, fear, resentment have been the predominant emotions of the losing voters in the presidential election, instead of resignation and willingness to work to unify the electorate.
The broadcast showing outgoing president Barack Obama awarding of the Presidential Medal to Vice President Biden was a welcome change of scene and a surprising emotional event to the whole company. In the first place, no one could decry Joe Biden’s worthiness to the honor bestowed on him, and the sweetness of the emotion displayed between two men who have borne the burden and responsibility of government for eight years was refreshing. I have seen different emotions shown between other presidents and their would-be successors – even hostility.
These two men and their families served our country with honor, the dignity expected of such positions and proper behavior. Not a whiff of scandal has dirtied the names of either man, their wives or their children.
Maybe I am still imbued with the expectations of people in high places that Civics classes taught me in those times when lapses of behavior were not gleefully reported by the media in their “27/7” quests for news. It wasn’t so long ago when everybody didn’t know that FDR and DDE had mistresses, and JFK had multiple affairs. My illusions about those men didn’t change the good of their service at that time; it just cost them their halos and me my illusions. I like the fact that the Obamas and the Bidens were the kind of people who deserve and earned my respect.
It may be time for someone to say, ”Grow up, Harriett! Times have changed. We live in the 21st century, and people have changed with the times!” I know this! I just preferred it when a man’s word was his bond. I liked it better then, and despite your political leanings, I’d be willing to bet you did too!