With the arrival of winter most of us are preparing our homes and yards for cold weather. Covering the grill, disconnecting the water hose, and sealing drafty windows are but a few of the tasks we undertake to winterize our homes. Just like us, our wild animal neighbors are concerned with the onslaught of a potentially extreme Kentucky winter. There are several simple steps we can take to help Lexington's wild citizens survive winter's fury.
When people think of winter creatures, birds are undoubtedly the first that come to mind. The easiest way to feed birds is to simply leave your summer flowers and plants in the winter garden. Coneflowers, sedum, zinnias, marigold, phlox, and dianthus can all provide precious food to wintering birds if left alone instead of being "tidied up in the fall. The seed heads of various ornamental grasses can also provide much-needed sustenance. Instead of cleaning your garden in the fall