Lexington, KY - The last two years as your council member have gone by very quickly, and I've truly enjoyed work- ing for you and making many new friends in our community, inside and outside government. I hope we will continue to communicate and work together toward a better Lexington for everyone.
Congratulations to the Kenwick Neighborhood Association for major progress on the park improvement. Once the parks department assessed the needs and devel- oped a long-range plan for the park, phase one was initi- ated to include a new playground that children in Kenwick are going to be thrilled about, along with new ADA compliant walkways. Also, attractive new signs have been installed to identify Johnson Heights Park - the first the park has had since its development. Additional improvements to that park are being discussed as well, thanks to Dick Owen.
Ecton Park will also receive improvements as part of the compromise agreement between the neighborhood group and Eastern Little League. A much needed new restroom facility will be built, along with a new conces- sion stand and will be paid for by Eastern Little League. Eastern Little League is also planning to build a new rest- room facility at Lansdowne Merrick Park as they move the
T-ball and rookie league activities to that park. The city will strive to continue enhancing your park experiences.
Many of you have contacted me regarding sidewalk replacement issues. I met with engineering and code enforcement staff recently to review the current standards and compare them to the standards of other cities. Safety is a high priority for our city regarding sidewalks; however, the current guidelines used to evaluate sidewalks are extremely stringent - the same standards used to evaluate new con- crete. This standard is nearly impossible to meet in older neighborhoods, and have cost homeowners an excessive amount of money. Currently, when code enforcement is called to inspect a sidewalk, they are required to apply the guidelines to all sections of sidewalk rather than only those with a legitimate safety hazard. Minor infractions, such as spalling and hair-line cracks, must also be cited, even when no trip hazard is observed. The services committee will be considering amendments to these guidelines at the December meeting to help alleviate unnecessary costs for homeowners but still ensure that sidewalks are safe for pedestrians. While limited city funds have been available in the past for cost-sharing, those funds are quickly exhausted by mid-year. If unnecessary sidewalk replacements are alle- viated, the cost-sharing funds could be available for more citizens to help address legitimate safety issues.
The Fairway Neighborhood Association is looking forward to the prospect of the Lexington Hearing and
Speech Center becoming a new neighbor in the Julia R. Ewan Elementary School. According to the plan, this his- toric building where many attended elementary school will be preserved and remain a strong presence in the neighborhood. Congratulations to all those who have worked so diligently to ensure its preservation.
Contractors for the Division of Water Quality will con- tinue smoke testing and testing of selected manholes and sections of sanitary sewers. Please check the LFUCG web- site to check for dates in your neighborhood. As you know, this preliminary work is part of the court-mandat- ed overhaul of our sewer and storm-water systems. We ask for your patience and cooperation as we proceed, with as little personal intrusion as possible.
Again - it has been a true pleasure working for you. I wish you all the best and the best for your new council member, Bill Farmer. My best wishes also for a safe and blessed holiday season for you and your family.