The Henry Clay Estate is decked out in mid-19th century holiday decorations.
Ashland, the Henry Clay Estate is festively decorated for the holidays with a "Currier and Ives Christmas" theme, featuring a collection related to Henry Clay and mid-19th century sensibilities.
Candlelight open house tours, which take place Dec. 20 and 26, include live music, as well as cookies and cider in the adjacent cottage. Tours cost $15 for adults and $7 for children, and run from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Daytime tours of the decorated mansion are also available through Dec. 30, with docents on the hour 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tues. - Sat.; 1 - 4 p.m. Sun.
Ashland's 100-foot-tall Norway spruce tree is lit nightly on the estate grounds through Dec. 30.
For more information, visit www.henryclay.org
or call (859) 266-8581.