Hailing from the Bluegrass with a sound as unique and smooth as the regions' beloved bourbon, C2 & The Brothers Reed's authenticity shines in their studio debut Weigh Station Tour. After the independent release of their first EP "Hot Mess", along with an extensive tour schedule (250+ shows in 2015-16) traveling mainly in the southern part of the country, they took to the studio less than a year later to cut their new record Weigh Station Tour. Split into sides, 'Exit A' 'Exit B', Weigh Station Tour explores gritty rock and roll while referencing 60's and 70's era soul music, embracing a style that is nearly lost but deeply needed in the surge of modern sound and technology.
The Company Stores' music crosses multiple genres, giving them a broad fan base. Taking elements from Blues, Appalachian Folk, Rock, Hip Hop, and other more modern genres of music, The Company Stores are a melting pot of possibilities.