Based on the Disney Film written by Jennifer Lee and directed by Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee. The enchanting modern classic from Disney, Frozen Jr. is based on the 2018 Broadway musical, and brings Elsa, Anna, and the magical land of Arendelle to life, onstage. The show features all of the memorable songs from the animated film, plus five new songs written for the Broadway production. A story of true love and acceptance between sisters, Frozen Jr. expands upon the emotional relationship and journey between Princesses Anna and Elsa. When faced with danger, the two discover their hidden potential and the powerful bond of sisterhood.
Friday 11/29 @8:00 PM, Saturday 11/30 @2:00 PM
Saturday 12/7 @2:00 PM, Sunday 12/8 @2:00 PM
Friday 12/13 @8:00 PM, Saturday 12/14 @11:00 AM and @2:00 PM
Saturday 12/21 @2:00 PM, Sunday 12/22 @2:00 PM