This 2017 documentary centers on Huerta's committed work to organize California farmworkers to form the UFW, in alliance with the Chicano Movement, the Civil Rights Movement, Gay liberation and US-based LGBTQ social movements, and the late 20th century Women's rights movement. Including recent and historical interviews with Huerta and her family members, the documentary includes historic film footage from the farmworker strikes and marches in Delano, California and New York City, the activism of the Delano grape strike that spread throughout the country, Sen. Robert Kennedy's meetings with the organizers during his Presidential campaign, as well as interviews with UFW co-founder Cesar Chavez, theatre artist Luis Valdez, Angela Davis, Gloria Steinem, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.
One World films is a non-profit organization created with the vision of presenting films to challenge, highlight social issues and broaden viewers’ outlook through glimpses into culture, ethnicity and politics. Now in its 21st year, the 2019 festival takes place February 10-March 16. Most film screenings are free of charge and some also feature panel discussions and Q&As.
Visit for the full schedule and more information.