Originally from the Saratov Conservatory, the group has traveled throughout Russia gathering and transcribing the native folk music traditions of countless communities. They perform traditional folk songs and dances, accompanied by authentic Russian folk instruments. The group’s repertoire includes folk songs and instrumental pieces from various parts of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, and other areas, and also features Gypsy music, Russian popular music, and Jewish music. The members of the ensemble play more than thirty Russian folk instruments, including the bayan, chromatic and diatonic accordions, the balalaika, domra, guitar, zhaleika, clarinet, saxophone, various percussion instruments, and Russian bells. The performances provide an energetic and interactive musical experience for listeners of all ages and linguistic backgrounds.
Zolotoj Plyos: A Musical Journey Through Russia
Kentucky Theater 214 E Main St, Lexington, Kentucky 40507