Being now a solid month into the year, it’s a good time to check in with ourselves. How are you doing? How are your goals going? What about those resolutions?
If you’re like most, you might have already fallen off track. It’s normal, and it’s probably not 100 percent your fault. While resolutions are commonplace, we’re not usually taught how to make things happen and keep them going. So, how can you make things stick? Here are seven of my best tips for making lasting change in 2019.
1. Start with one thing. Listen, I know you’re excited. I know you’re ready to go! But trying to do too many things at once can easily lead you to feel overwhelmed. Start with one change – make it a priority and make it a norm in your life. When that’s accomplished, add something else.
2. Make it easier. One of my favorite questions to ask is, “What’s the next best step to take?” I don’t try to think 18 steps ahead, just one. Keep asking that question over and over. You’ll start seeing progress.
3. Don’t do it alone. So many times, we like to do everything on our own. We don’t want to ask for help, and instead, we just keep moving along without much progress. Don’t do this. Ask for help. Get a coach, a trainer, someone to hold you accountable for what you want to do. That layer of accountability is an important key to success.
4. Create habits. Long-term success is not about what you do sometimes, it’s about what you do regularly. You don’t have to be perfect with it, but you do need to be consistent. One of the best ways I’ve found to create new habits is to pair it with something I’m already doing. Things like taking medicine when I brush my teeth. Making that pairing makes it a natural progression.
5. Have more fun! I know this might sound odd, but I honestly believe having more fun in your life makes you shift your mindset toward happiness and success. You change the energy you bring to situations, which adds to fun for those around you! If you start making changes from a high energy vibe, you are more likely to keep with it. Create an element of fun and joy in your life.
6. Write your goals daily ... by hand! There’s a connection between writing things by hand and making them happen. Take some time every single morning to write down your goals. It takes less than five minutes and the benefits are incredible. Writing your goals every morning puts them at the forefront of your mind. It reminds you what you’re looking toward and starts the day with a bang! Setting the intention at the beginning of the day keeps you in the right frame of mind to make better choices throughout the day.
7. Reflect weekly on progress. How do you know if you’re heading in the right direction if you don’t check in with yourself? Taking a few minutes to evaluate progress helps you make small shifts that can make a difference. Maybe you notice on Tuesdays you don’t drink enough water because of how you’ve scheduled meetings; by reflecting, you can plan to remember to bring water with you instead. A quick check-in can give you tangible results.
I hope you’ll make 2019 your best year. Just remember, you don’t have to go after it all by yourself. Make a commitment to reach out for support – I’ll be cheering you on in your success!
Colene Elridge
Based in Georgetown, Kentucky, Colene Elridge is a life and success coach, speaker, author and writer with more than 15 years of experience in human resources, training, government and entrepreneurship. She released her first book – “Monday Morning Pep Talks” – in late 2018. The owner of Be More Consulting is known as “Coach Colene” and is passionate about creating more satisfying work and creating better lives. More details are available at