CHRIS BARRON is the acclaimed Spin Doctors frontman. A four-album hot streak in the ’90s established them as a heavyweight of the era with 1991’s five-times-platinum Pocket Full of Kryptonite’ ruling the airwaves with hits “Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong” and “Two Princes”. Barron is now a veteran approaching 50, living in a world changed beyond recognition, compelled to write the music that chronicles the here-and-now. His latest ‘Angels and One-Armed Jugglers’ is the the culmination of a lifetime’s craft and a record both contemporary and classic.
KIM RICHEY is a legendary Nashville song crafter. This two-time Grammy-nominated artist is a storyteller; a weaver of emotions and a tugger of heartstrings. Tender, poetic and aching with life’s truths, Kim’s songs transport you to her world, where words paint pictures and melodies touch the soul. After a nearly five year hiatus, Richey returns with her eighth studio album, ‘Edgeland’. The term “Edgeland” is defined as the lost zone between urban and rural environments, a concept which mimics Richey’s constant fluctuation between the rigid genre definitions of country and Americana music.